Sunday, August 26, 2012

Minnie Mouse Nails - Jenn

Last night we celebrated one of my closest friends 30th birthday. We went to Milestones for dinner (They have a gluten free menu!!!!) and the hung out outside around a fire. It was really nice. I decided to do something fun and young!

My eldest daughter Hailey and I flipped through images of nail art until she said "That one!" Of course she picked Minni Mouse nails.

I was happy she chose them because they are super fun and gave me a chance to use my dotting tools. I need lots of practice with them and the brushes. I have such shakey hands. I am hoping that they shame less the more I practice. If you have a design request leave it in the comments section or email it to
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  1. Dude, those are awesome!! :)

  2. These are my favourite ones I've seen on your blog thus far :) very nice!


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